Chile Trip. Day 4-6. Daily Routine.

¡Hola amigos!

It’s been awhile… This routine is starting to feel so ordinary that it feels silly blogging about it. But I’m still in South America, learning Spanish and in this beautiful place!

 So… On Wednesday after we finished class we went on another tour of Valparaiso. This time we went to Pablo Neruda museum. He was a Nobel peace prize winning poet who had three house in Chile and as he was a collector of many things his houses were turned into museums. It was really interesting and had some amazing views around it.

 Afterwards we did the open air walking tour, which consisted of a lot of artwork around the city that you could freely walk around. Martin kept us informed of little things we didn’t know about.

Then on Wednesday night it was one of our leaders, Valentine’s birthday so a few of us went out to a bar to celebrate. We sat outside but there was loads of space to sit inside or out. I tried Pisco Sours, the local drink here, it was quite alcoholic (we have found out they are not shy on alcohol here.) It tastes a lot like a cloudy lemonade.

On Thursday, Amelie and myself went to the MASSIVE mall here and browsed till our hearts content. Tried the Mcdonalds here in Chile and it didn’t taste massively different than to England. Then bought a big fluffy jumper in Zara to keep me warm!

Thats all for now. Expect pictures and video soon!

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